Logging into Sentinel is straight forward and uses your registered email and a password managed by you.

However, sometimes you may have trouble logging in due to the following reasons:

  • Password Forgotten - Happens to us all
  • Mis-typed Password - As passwords become more cryptic they become harder to type
  • Password Expiry - Your Cortex password expires every 6 months
  • User Removed - Users are removed if there is strange login activity or not logged in for 6 months
  • Using a password from another system - With so much security needed, different passwords for different sites can cause confusion
Your Password

When creating your new password, it must be at least 8 characters long and contain a mix of both uppercase, lowercase and numerical characters and contain at least one symbol.

lower case alphabetic (A-Z)
upper case alphabetic (A-Z)
numeric (0-9)
special (!@#,etc.)

Find Repair

Search for a repair and access information, such as comms, details, booking details, and dates, etc

Review Repair Progression

A snapshot view of repair progress with ability to filter date and access more information relating to the repair

Find Repairer

Use this feature to search for a repairer via postcode, network and vehicle manufacturer approval